Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Day In A Lamborghini

Derek and Jeff in a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder.
Pictures first...explanation later.


On Saturday we went to meet the Uaje's at the park to celebrate Regan's birthday. While we were there, Tawnya's brother Cory brought a friend with this Lamborghini. Cory was giving everyone rides in it for a while. I started speaking with Jeremy, the owner, and told him how much Derek liked Lamborghinis. He asked if Derek would like to ride in it. I called Derek over and Jeremy was going to give him a ride. I walked over with them to wave them off and he turned to me and asked me if I wanted to drive it. My chin dropped to the ground and I graciously accepted.
It drove much nicer than I was expecting. It was very smooth. This was an experience I will remember for a long time.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pictures of Aunt Anita at the Wedding

I do not think we have seen Aunt 'Nita, since our trip through Idaho, over a decade ago. They had to travel through blizzards to get to the wedding and probably also to get home. It was so wonderful to see family that we have not seen in so long.

Derek, Jeff, Julie, Sarah (in front), Aunt Anita, Alicia

Here is a pitcure that she got of the his and hers wedding cakes. The chocolate 'his' cake was my favorite. I kept trying to save myself a special piece with a nice chocolate covered strawberry on it, but it kept getting taken.

Derek, Aunt Anita & Julie

Sarah. She looked so beautiful.

Brie & Ben (aka. Bride & Groom)

Brie just reported that they got back from their honeymoon in Hawaii safely. They opened up their presents and cards today. They did not specify what they got but seemed to love everything. They had a great trip, we did not get too many details of the trip, other than Brie got lobster red on the first day and they loved the condo we got for them.

On our honey moon, Julie and I went on a cruise. Our cabin was so small it only had room enough for a bed and a bathroom, everything we needed. the cabin next to ours had a large group of people that would come back to the cabin about 1:00 in the morning and make loud noises until they passed out drunk. To get back at them we decided to leave them a 5:00am wake-up call with the front desk. Is that bad?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Brie & Ben

Brianna & Ben were married on Saturday October 11th.

The wedding was very nice. They were both way excited. They were married in the Logan Temple. Ben's family has a history of being married in the Logan Temple. We happened to find out later that Brie's Great Granparents were also married in the Logan Temple in 1926.

Brie showing off her bright pink high heels.
Ben was very proud of his tux with tails, top hat and cane.

We went the night before the wedding to get pictures of the temple at night.

Now Brie and Ben are off to Hawaii for the week.

This picture was taken on Thursday after they took out their endowments.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Alicia In The Hospital

Well on September 23rd Alicia came down with a fever after having a severe pain in the neck....hmm tempting play on words here...nah...too easy. We immediately thought of the possibility of Menengitis. Julie took her in and they did all kind of tests on her. She thought she was going to die. They did multiple blood samples, urine samples, gave her an I.V., MRI and an ultrasound, along with all the normal stuff. When Julie told her that she would have an I.V. when she had kids she vowed to never give birth...hmm...wonder if that will change...

Oh Well. After a 6 hour visit they thought she might have a form of hepatitis. We took her the next day for a follow up visit with her doctor. They determined that it was not actually hepatitis, but she does have a high level of enzymes in her liver and her spleen is inflamed. They are just calling it a liver infection.

She will have a follow up appointment this Monday to re-check the enzymes. We will wish her luck.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Brianna's New Home

This is Brie's new apartment. It was very nice.

Derek on drums & Alicia, still texting of course.

Ben Holding Sarah

Alicia Holding Andrew, her new buddy and Sarah playing cheerleader.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Powder Puff

Alicia Playing FOOTBALL!!!

Yes Alicia's school had the Powder Puff Football game. Alicia was on the Junior Team. It was Junior Girls face off with Senior Girls.
The Referees were, of course, Senior Boys. The Juniors ran a hand-off all the way for a touch down. The referees called it back for no apparent reason and gave them a 10-yard penalty to boot. So what happens next play??? The Juniors run another hand-off for a touch down. Without wanting to look too obvious, the referees let it stand and reluctantly call the touchdown.

The Seniors drop the ball right in front of the ref. and pick it up

again and throw it. Ooops. Where was the call?? Oh well..I'm sure it must not of hit the ground. So why is that senior running across the line of scrimage before the snap? What no call?? Well maybe they just didn't see her. The calls were so one sided it was hilarious. The Junior team wins the game but most of their touchdowns were not counted. So the "official" final is 24-18 in favor of the Seniors.

This was the half-time entertainment. The football players, and others, dressed up like the girls and danced to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." Okay even though this was a little disturbing, it was somewhat amusing.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Where Does Bread Come From?

After church on Sunday we were eating and rehearsing where certain foods come from with Sarah (age 6). Pork comes from pigs, beef from cows and so forth. Pretty soon all of the kids started getting in to the discussion. Here is the portion of the discussion with Alicia (Age 16).

Dad: "So where does bread come from?"

Alicia: Blank Stare.....

Dad: "You can't think of where bread comes from?"

Alicia: "Is it a tree?"

Dad, trying to keep a straight face: "It comes from a bread plant. I can't believe you didn't know that."

Alicia: "Well..."

Dad, now laughing hysterically because I can't hold it any longer: "Alicia, don't you remember making bread? You add flour and milk and eggs and yeast."

Alicia, now catching on: "You brat. I knew that."